
The Gāyatrī Mantra is a highly revered mantra from the Rig Veda (Mandala 3.62.10). Gāyatrī is the name of the Chandas in which the verse is composed. Chandas is actually a rhythmic composition of words to descend the divine cosmos through their sound when pronounced properly. The fundamental purpose of Gayatri Mantra in this physical field is to inspire righteous wisdom that keeps a man free of problems facilitating him to live happily and focus on his spiritual goals. The rishis and sages of the Vedic Age had experienced and experimented on the enormous extrasensory energy centres like the chakras, upachakras, etc, that constitute our subtle body and proved
that the activation of these energy centres is essential to understand and learn the science of Vedas to attain salvation.To achieve this easily, Gayatri Mantra is the only way. The cyclic enunciation of this mantra stimulates the subliminal power centers in the subtle body. Regular practice of this mantra will certainly activate these power centres to the fullest potential to receive the divine energy Savita.

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